Photo Gallery
S. Cataldo

Franca | Giovanna/Josie/Mary | Ida | Vira

Vira D'Arolfi

La cucina supinese e' una cucina semplice ma buona e saporita, alla contadinesca.
Con un pizzico di fantasia si possono ottenere piatti deliziosi e piacevoli nell'aspetto.
Un esempio e' questo piatto di baccala' fritto dorato e croccante, che servito con carciofini
sottaceto diventa ancora piu' appetitoso.

Baccala' Fritto Dorato

Contorno di carciofi


Our way of cooking is simple and wholesome.
A little fantasy adds sparkle for visual pleasure.
This plate is an example in simplicity and taste.

The ingredients in the pictures (for the
garnishing) were home made.
You can just as easily use prepared
pickled ingredients.

Baccala' fritto

Baccala' Fritto Dorato

Per sei persone prendete un chilo di baccala' secco.
Tagliatelo a pezzi di circa 6-7 centimetri e lavatelo bene sotto acqua corrente.
Mettetelo a bagno per almeno 24 ore, cambiandoci l'acqua 3 o 4 volte.
Scola il tutto per mezz'ora e passatelo nella farina.
Friggetelo in olio molto caldo e abbondante.
Servitelo con contorni di verdure e sottaceti.
E' necessario servirlo con un vino rosso e robusto.
Buon Appetito!

Golden Fried Baccala'

For approximately 6 people take a kilo of dried baccala'.
Cut the baccala' into squares of 6 centimeters (2 ½ ")
and wash it well under cool running water.
Put the baccala' in a water bath for 24 hours,
change the water 3-4 times.
Strain well and roll the pieces in flour.
Deep fry in very hot vegetable oil.
Serve with a variety of pickled vegetables
and with a robust red wine.
Buon Appetito!


Struffuli is a traditional sweet for the Marti Gras.
In Supino was customary to dress funny and go to knock at doors. The best costumes received a glass of wine and "struffuli". The Carnival is described in the book "Il Gran Carnevale della Rava" where all paesani dressed according to their nicknames!

The recipe has simple ingredients and is easy to do. The struffuli are delicious, especially strait out of the freezer!

You need: 600 grams of flour, 150 grams of sugar, 150 grams of olive oil or butter, 4 eggs, a shot of anice or anisetta, the rind of a lemon (grated), a pinch of salt and yeast.

Below the various moments of the making... enjoy!
To the left a very old recipe.

Grating the lemon rind

Mixing the ingredients

Harden the dough by adding flour

Work the dough like bread

Cut and roll pieces of dough in finger like strips

The strips ready to be fried

Fry in hot abundant oil

Ready to be drip dried

Sprinkle with granulated sugar and they are ready to eat!

The struffuli making team: Mina, Toni, Rita e Vira

Crespelle, Cruspelle, Cruspellette or Frittelle

Crespelle, Cruspelle or Frittelle is a very popular sweet known all over Ciociaria. In Supino they are called "Cruspelle" or "Cruspellette".

It is extremely simple to make them, all you do is make pizza dough but make it very soft. Add raisins, mix and spoon in the frying pan. Fry in hot abundant oil, drip dry and sprikle with sugar!

As a variants deep-in slices of apple and fry!

Buon appetito!

Ciammella, Pupa e Campanaro (a sinistra)

Ring bread, Doll and Bellringer (left)

La Tosa di Pasqua

12 uova
1 litro di latte
1 chilo di zucchero
½ litro d'olio vergine d'oliva
1 limone (scorza grattugiata)
Semi di anice
1 cucchiaino di sale
1 bicchierino di Sambuca
5 buste di lievito Bertolini
Sbatti le uova, aggiungi lo zucchero e l'olio,
Aggiungi gli altri ingredienti e la farina quanto basta da maneggiare e fare la pasta consistente.
Fare i pani o le forme
spennellare con uova battute
e cospargere dello zucchero
Inforna a 350 gradi centigradi
fino a che diventa color d'oro scuro.

Easter Bread

12 eggs
1 litre of milk
1 kilogram of sugar
½ litre of virgin olive oil
1 large lemon (grate the rind)
2 tbsp of anice seeds
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp vanilla
5 envelopes of baking powder
Flour as needed
Beat the eggs, add the sugar, add the oil, add the other ingredients and then the flour to make a consistend dough.
Make little loafs or forms
Brush top with beated eggs
and sprinkle sugar
Place in baking pan
Bake at 350c


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